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When does the Cody Figure Skating Club meet?Classes are held at designated times on Thursdays and Sundays at the Riley Ice Arena. Your skater will be registered in specific classes and will meet with his/her class at those times. You can find extra ice time for your skater to practice their skills by checking the Riley Arena schedule for Freestyle ice.
My child is brand new to skating, can he/she still skate in the shows?Coming Soon!
What should my skater wear for lessons?Warm clothes are a must! For our Snowplow Sam class, we recommend snowsuits, gloves, and some sort of protective helmet. Ski helmets work best, as they provide more warmth, but bicycle helmets work as well. The warmer we can keep the little ones, the more interested they will be in having fun on the ice! For our Basic levels and above, warm jackets (polar fleece is great), pants they can move in, and warm gloves and hats are recommended. Warmth is the key, but movement is also important as our skaters learn new skills. Make sure clothing doesn't drag or hang, as this could be dangerous for skating!
Do we need to purchase skates?No. Fortunately, the Cody Figure Skating Club can provide quality rental skates for $25 for a single session. There is a $50 deposit required that is refunded upon return of skates. Skaters can join the club for a practice or two to try on skates, learn the rink, and get to know the coaches. Once they have been fitted for the appropriate skates, they can take those skates home and use them throughout the season. Skaters can use their club skates for any indoor rink activity, whether it be club class time, public skate, or additional club ice time. We require anyone renting club skates to complete a Skate Rental Agreement, which can be found when you register.
Why do I see some skaters practicing with coaches outside of club lessons?Several of our coaches offer private lessons outside of club ice. Each coach sets their own fees and has their own specialties. You can view our coach profiles on our coaches tab. Coaches will post availability on Band. All our coaches are very approachable and will be happy to guide you through your choices. There are many reasons to consider hiring a private coach including to prepare for competitions, to supplement your group lessons with an occasional private one for more focused attention, and obtain assistance developing a difficult skill.
By the way, what is competition?As a member of the Cody Figure Skating Club, you will be able to participate in many kinds of skating competitions. Club lessons do not prepare a skater for competitions, so set your expectations accordingly and sign up for some private lessons. Your coach can guide you in choosing your skaters’ music and cutting it to it’s appropriate length, choreographing the program, and costume selection, as well as advising on which events you may want to try! Competition allows a skater to perform in appropriate groups according to age and skating level before a panel of judges. Individual skaters within the groups are then placed in a numerical placement order as the judges’ results indicate. Usually the top 3 to 5 skaters in each group will receive medals or awards. Skaters may also compete in different events if available, such as spins, free skate, compulsory, moves-in-the-field, dance, artistic, etc. CFS sponsors its own annual competition, our Cody Spring Classic, in April
Do we need to buy costumes?No. The Cody Figure Skating Club has been able to purchase costumes for use by our skaters during our Winter show, Celebrate Skate. Club costumes may be available to borrow for competitions with a refundable deposit. The only costume item your skater will be required to provide is a pair of nude skating tights for the ice shows. Some younger skaters also enjoy long sleeve nude leotards to fit under their costumes to help keep out the chill during the shows
What is USFSA? Is USFSA membership required?Coming Soon.
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